Contacts made after 2005-12-31 do not count as new parishes, but new applications for
awards and upgrades are still welcome for contacts made before 2006-01-01.


DIPLOM SVERIGE = DIPLOMA SWEDEN has been introduced by Nyköpings Sändare-

amatörer/NSA (=Nyköping Amateur Radio Club) in order to promote interest in joint activities among the various amateur radio bands. The aim of this diploma is to encourage two-way contacts with amateurs in as many as possible of the 2200+ parishes in Sweden.

Contacts made after 2005-12-31 do not count as new parishes, but new applications
for awards and upgrades can still be made for contacts made before 2006-01-01.


1.  DIPLOMA SWEDEN is issued by NSA and is valid for contacts after the 15th of June

     1978. It is also available for SWLs.


2 . A basic diploma is issued for contacts listed in the RECORD BOOK made with a

     minimum of  100 different parishes regardless of region, see below. Additional stickers

     are then issued after a minimum of the following number of contacts with parishes within

     the three regions Norrland, Svealand and Götaland.


    Norrland - 100 and ALL (262 parishes), SM2, SM3

    Svealand - 100, 500 and ALL (711 parishes), SM4, SM5, SM0

    Götaland - 100, 500, 1000 and ALL (1250 parishes), SM1, SM6, SM7


    Furthermore, after contacting 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 parishes regardless of region

    different stickers are issued.


    Anyone qualifying for ALL within all three regions will receive a DIPLOMA SWEDEN

    pennant free of charge. For further pennants a charge will be levied.


3.  All bands/modes are permitted. Signal reports must be exchanged and confirmed in both

    directions as well as entered in the log book.


4 . Stationary, mobile or portable contacts are accepted. Any amateur working from a parish

    may count that parish as contacted. To be  marked in the RECORD BOOK with own call in

    STN-column, underlined or with a colourpen.


5.  QSL-cards are not necessary. The NSA reserves the right to examine log entries.


6.  The RECORD BOOK, each bearing its own registered number, and containing a list of all

    parishes in Sweden, may be obtained from:


                    NSA Diploma Manager, Box 25, S-611 22 Nyköping, Sweden.


    The fee including postage is:  for Scandinavia and the Baltic States SEK 90

                                                    for the rest of Europe  SEK 100

                                                    for DX  SEK 120


    The amount can be deposited to our postal giro account 92199-9 in Stockholm. See below

    for fees in USD/IRCs/EURO.


7.  Net profits from the diploma operation are distributed between:

     a) Handicap aid within amateur radio (including economic aid where no USDs or IRCs

 are available)

     b) Repeater SK5RHE (Nyköping repeater)

     c) NSA



8.  It is not necessary to send the RECORD BOOK when applying for the diploma. A list of

    contacts is sufficient. If, however, the RECORD BOOK is sent for checking purposes, be

    sure to include return postage. An application form is included with the RECORD BOOK.

    The NSA Diploma Manager reserves the right to make comments in the RECORD BOOK.


9.  The following awards are available:

·        Mixed = Basic diploma

·        Single Mode

·        Single Band

·        Mobil  - only contacts with mobile stations

·        QRP  - maximum power 10 W

·        Ego-mobil  - contacts from own mobile station

·        WARC  - contacts on 12, 17 and 30 m bands

·        5-bands  - not necessarily the same five bands for all parishes

·        SWL

·        Fast/fast  - contacts from a fixed QTH to a fixed SM-QTH (according to the SM callbook)

·        and only after 1st of January 1992

·        Mobil/mobil  - contacts between mobile stations


    Two or more types as above cannot be combined in one diploma. For contacts on e g

    80 m CW we issue a diploma for 80 m and/or a diploma for CW.


10. The RECORD BOOK (or list of contacts), together with the application form for

     diploma/sticker should be sent to:


                 NSA Diploma Manager, Box 25, S-611 22 Nyköping, Sweden


    The fee(s) for diploma/sticker and return postage can be remitted to our postal giro

    account 92199-9 in Stockholm or may be icluded with the application. An application  form

    is included with every RECORD BOOK.


11. Fees:   RECORD BOOK, see § 6

                 Diploma SEK 25

                 Sticker   SEK   5

                 Conversions: SEK     5 =  USD   1 =   1 IRC  =   1 EURO

                                       SEK   25 =  USD   3 =   4 IRCs =  3 EURO

                                       SEK   90 =  USD   9 = 12 IRCs = 11 EURO

                                       SEK 100 =  USD 10 = 13 IRCs = 12 EURO

                                       SEK 120 =  USD 12 = 15 IRCs = 14 EURO

                                       All fees are subject to change without further notice.


12. Info about club NSA see www.qsl.net/sk5be




Background  The latest edition of the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics publication

                      ”Rikets Indelningar” (Regions of the country) is   used in compiling the

                       RECORD BOOK to establish counties,municipalities, parishes and parish

                       registration districts.

                      The latter do not appear in the RECORD BOOK.



Parish codes  We have based the parish codes on the municipal code used by Club SK5AJ for

                        the municipal diploma ”Swedish Commune Award/SCA”. To this code we

                        have added two digits. Whenever the parish code is used, the letter(s) for the

                       county is/are followed by three or four digits. The two last digits indicate the

                       parish. Example:

                       D418 = Nyköping Alla Helgona församling (18), = parish, in 

                       Nyköpings kommun (4), = municipality, in

                       Södermanlands län (D)  = county


/MM - /AM   For valid /MM (maritime mobile) contacts for DIPLOMA  SWEDEN, the

                       vessel must be moored so that the parish affiliation can be clearly determined.

                       For this reason no /AM contacts can be valid for DIPLOMA  SWEDEN.


Parish limits Parish affiliation = the place where the transmitter or tranceiver is located.

                      Only one parish to be counted.


(Provided by the Diploma Sweden Manager)


Many SM-stations have their parish number (SM-FG) printed on their QSL-cards, but if you

lack this information I can perhaps help you. Please send a list of your contacts together with 2

IRCs/2 USD/ 2 EURO (none, if at the same time you order a RECORD BOOK), and we shall do our best to help you. In QSO with a SM-station, please feel free to ask about the parish number, ”församlingsnummer”, in Swedish.




                                                               Diploma Manager

                                                               QSL manager SD5DS